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Marketing Agency in Dublin
Social Media Marketing
& Sales Growth
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What's App +353858164332
What's App +353858164332
Marketing Agency in Dublin
Social Media Marketing
& Sales Growth
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Marketing & Sales Growth
A key metric of my work is the return on investment in marketing.
MoreTime Expeditions
Sail Voyages to Greenland, Antarctica and Novaya Zemlia.
Systems: Meta, Yandex, Telegram, What’s app
Markets: USA, Israel, Ireland, UK, Kazakhstan, Russia
A return of 1000 euros in sales for every 100 euros invested in marketing.
Fire ballet
Dance studio
Systems: Meta, Yandex.
A return of 370 euros in sales for every 100 euros invested in marketing.
Drim.one is a marketing platform that connects influencers and brands. They hired our agency to find and onboard bloggers from various traffic sources and help them launch their businesses in Mexico and Brazil. This partnership showcases our expertise in marketing, as a professional platform trusted us to deliver successful results.
Systems: Meta, Google, Yandex, TikTok

I Generate over 7.000 leads for platform
per month
Time to Move Ireland Ltd is registered in the Republic of Ireland agency that offers end-to-end immigration and relocation services.

A return of 330 euros in sales for every 100 euros invested in marketing.
Massage centre in Dublin. Systems: Facebook Ads

A return of 360 euros in sales for every 100 euros invested in marketing.
European Standarts and Certification
Certification agency.
Systems: Yandex, Google

A return of 300 euros in sales for every 100 euros invested in marketing.
Social Media Managment
I focus on organic growth on Social Media with superpower of short videos
TikTok Ollanicko
Candidate on president elections in Russia (Instagram)
Techstars Startup Weekend. Dublin (LinkedIn + Instagram)
The reach increased from 30,700 to 78,800 in 1 month
Olga Popova
Marketing specialist & consultant
My crucial work principle is to build an effective marketing system that will work for years and teach your team or, if you are a small business owner, how to manage it.

I've successfully built a company from the ground up, consistently maintaining a profit indicator of 20%.
I've sold this business, which still works with the same profit indicator.

I have experience managing sales and marketing in a various business as a marketing consultant with a Return on Marketing investment of up to 900%

I have a blog with 47.800 followers on TikTok.

Currently, my main interests in marketing are Social Media and AI content creation.

Please discover projects that I managed and deliver results.
Don't hesitate to contact me
WHAT'S APP +353858164332
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