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What's App +353858164332
Growth Marketing Agency
Our clients get 150-900% return of marketing investment (ROMI)
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What's App +353858164332
What's App +353858164332
Growth Marketing Agency
Our clients get 150-900% return of marketing investment (ROMI)
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900% ROMI within 6 months
900% ROMI = Invest €1 Get €10
Sail Voyages to Antarctica
Markets: USA, EU, Israel, Ireland, UK, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia
270% ROMI in 3 months
270% ROMI = Invest €1 Get €3.7
Dance school
150% ROMI in the first month
150% ROMI = Invest €1 Get €1.5
Immigration service in Ireland
Generate 7,000 new registrations monthly
Drim.one Marketing platform that connects bloggers and brands
200% ROMI in 1 year
European Standarts and Certification
200% ROMI = Invest €1 Get €3
Certification agency
How do we achieve a 150-900% ROMI?
Step 1. Analytics
We analyse what the client currently has and find points of fast growth for the company with the power of marketing.
Step 2. Web development
Web development, if required.
We make simple websites with a high conversion rate.
Step 3. Lead Generation
We start paid advertising in Meta, Google and LinkedIn to get new clients for business.
Step 4. Conversion rate optimisation
We optimise conversion rate on website and ads
Step 5. Sales Growth
We connect the marketing and department of sales and work together to upscale conversion from lead to purchase.
Step 6. Organic Growth
SEO and Organic Social Media Growth - the best ways to get clients as cheaply as possible in your niche, but this methods requires time and long investments. We recommend starting it while you get a good return on investment on paid traffic.
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Olga Popova
Founder & Marketing specialist
I have executed successful advertising campaigns in various markets, including Israel, USA, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and Kazakhstan.

In addition to my marketing expertise, I have valuable experience as a CEO. At the age of 21, I pursued my dream of establishing a dance school, which is still working with profit indicator 20%.

This unique CEO experience has provided me with a deep understanding that CEOs prioritize return of marketing investment over colourful and creative advertising.

Now I am focused on the issue of how to create viral content for social media because I believe it's the future of marketing. My content creation experiments have yielded good results. I achieved 43,500 followers on TikTok without using any dancing or jokes and money, and 80% of my audience is between 25 and 40 years old.
Olga Popova
Founder & Marketing specialist
I have executed successful advertising campaigns in various markets, including Israel, USA, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and Kazakhstan. These campaigns have achieved impressive returns on investment, ranging from 150% to 900%.

In addition to my marketing expertise, I have valuable experience as a CEO. At the age of 21, I pursued my dream of establishing a dance school, which is still working with profit indicator 20%.

This unique CEO experience has provided me with a deep understanding that CEOs prioritize return of marketing investment over colorful and creative advertising.

Now I am focused on the issue of how to create viral content for social media because I believe it's the future of marketing. My content creation experiments have yielded good results. I achieved 43,500 followers on TikTok without using any dancing or jokes and money, and 80% of my audience is between 25 and 40 years old.
Olga Popova
Founder & Marketing specialist
I have executed successful advertising campaigns in various markets, including Israel, USA, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, and Kazakhstan. These campaigns have achieved impressive returns on investment, ranging from 150% to 900%.

In addition to my marketing expertise, I have valuable experience as a CEO. At the age of 21, I pursued my dream of establishing a dance school, which is still working with profit indicator 20%.

This unique CEO experience has provided me with a deep understanding that CEOs prioritize return of marketing investment over colorful and creative advertising.

Now I am focused on the issue of how to create viral content for social media because I believe it's the future of marketing. My content creation experiments have yielded good results. I achieved 43,500 followers on TikTok without using any dancing or jokes and money, and 80% of my audience is between 25 and 40 years old.
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